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Participation in int'l networks
The Lab LDSA works with major research demographic European centers. They often invite researchers from these centers for speeches and seminars at the Department of Planning and Regional Development. At the same time, it has set the goal of developing Balkan cooperation in its fields of activity by inviting Balkan scientists to lecture and exchange views over the last few years. The LDSA also hosts researchers and academics from other Balkan countries within the framework of the NATO and SOROS Foundation scholarships.
S/N Description
1 Participation in the informal network of researchers from Spain, Italy, Portugal and France to investigate the impact of the economic crisis on demographic components (2016 - today).
2 Participation in the European network TIES (The Integration of the European Second Generation) 2005.
3 Participation in the European Observatory on Education and Information on Population 1998-2002.
4 Participation in the European network OPPA (Network for the Implementation of the Outil Prospectif for Personnes Agees, 2000-2001).
5 Creation (1998) and coordination of the DEMOBALK Network (